How to Get Free Historical Romance Novels (and Still Support Authors)

The thing about being a historical romance fan is that you’re going to read a LOT of books. More books than you probably have the money to spend on.

Even though as an author I hope you keep paying for books (so I can afford to keep writing them!), I am right there with you trying to find affordable ways to keep reading.

So here are three author-friendly ways to find free historical romance books (whether you want them online, need to download the files, or want the physical copy).

Your Local Library

Everyone’s favorite place - the library! Most libraries these days have really robust print and ebook collections. Be sure to sign up for your local library card to check out their romance selection. If they don’t have the particular book you’re looking for, submit a request for them to purchase it or borrow it from a sister library. 

Why It’s Author Friendly

While I won’t make a buck when you borrow my book from the library, I do make a royalty when the library first purchases my book. Plus, the more you borrow my books, the more your librarian will be interested in hearing from me if I offer to do a reading or talk to try to get in front of more readers.

Ebook Deal Sites

If you’re looking for ebooks only, there are a LOT of services out there interested in helping you find free titles. Generally, you subscribe to their email alerts or follow them on social media, and they alert you about short-term freebies.

For example, my books have been featured in BookBub, Bargain Booksy, The Fussy Librarian, and Ebook Soda.

Why It’s Author Friendly

If an ebook is listed on one of these deal sites, it is because the author paid to be featured. We want you to know our book is free for these specific dates (because we’re hoping the book will blow you away and you’ll pay for the rest of the series). The more you use these promotional services, the happier everyone is!

Trade With Your Friends

I know you may be rolling your eyes here, but this remains a GREAT way to get free books. Print books are easily shared, and most ebooks are set up for you to lend from one device to another as well. (Some authors/publishers opt to turn off this feature.) You get the book free, you automatically have someone to discuss it with, and your friendship grows stronger!

Why It’s Author Friendly

This is what we in the biz call “word-of-mouth marketing,” and it is the most powerful tool we have as authors. If your friend likes my book enough to lend it to you? Honestly, I need smelling salts to deal with the pleasure that gives me.

Free Historical Romance Story to Get You Started

In case you clicked on this article in search of actual downloads you can get NOW, RIGHT NOW - I happen to have a free ebook for you!


Millie Deere is a spinster in every sense of the word. Not only is she (happily) unmarried, she supports herself by spinning wool into yarn. Her one complaint is the new tenant renting her extra loom, Josiah Beauford. It’s not that he does anything objectionable. It’s just that he is handsome and perfect and ruining her concentration.

Josiah has been working hard to avoid Miss Deere, but all that intent goes out the window when the wool manufacturer’s rep shows up to harass her. Josiah has no choice except to intervene. What happens next...well, he doesn’t have much choice in that, either. 

This short story is free and exclusive to subscribers of Katherine Grant Romance. Download your copy now!