My award-winning Regency Romances feature cinnamon roll heroes, feisty heroines, and plots fueled equally by history and romance tropes!

Each book in a series is designed to work as a standalone, in case you don’t want to jump in at the middle, but of course there are extra easter eggs for readers who start from the beginning!

Click on the thumbnail image to get a full description of each book (plus links for where to buy them).

Where to Start

Try me out with a free novella, The Baron Without Blame!

The Baron Without Blame

When they are caught on a dark balcony, two strangers agree to marry. Can this fake engagement lead to true love?

This free prequel novella kicks off my award-winning series, The Prestons!


The Prestons

An award-winning Regency series about a family that does radical things like turn their estate into a commune and fall in love with political enemies.

Click on an image to learn more about each book!

baron without blame cover

The Prestons #0

viscount without virtue cover

The Prestons #1

The Governess Without Guilt - The Prestons #2 cover

The Prestons #2

charmer without a cause - prestons #3 cover

The Prestons #3

The Sailor Without a Sweetheart cover

The Prestons #4

The Prestons #5 (A Novella)

The Miss Without a Mister ebook cover by Katherine Grant

The Prestons #6

The Northfield Hall Novellas

Explore the world of Northfield Hall (introduced in The Prestons) in this series of one-hour reads! Each novella focuses on someone who lives and works at Northfield Hall.

This unordered series is being written in non-chronological order, so you can go ahead and jump in with whatever book sounds most enticing to you! They are listed here in order of publication date.

the hellion of drury lane regency romance act iii

A grumpy carpentress needs a sunshine hero to keep her business alive

in the wide open light marriage in crisis regency romance ebook cover

A working class marriage in crisis set during the Peterloo Massacre

its in her kiss by katherine grant

Grumpy-sunshine kissing lessons

three nights with her husband by katherine grant

Later-in-life road trip

two white women hold hands and look at each other

A governess and an opera singer fall in love via letters at a house party

The Countess Chronicles

Multi-Award Winning Series about four women who want to live meaningful lives, and the men who help them claim their power.

Click on an image to learn more about each book!

Don’t miss the official Countess Chronicles tea blends from Adagio Teas! A portion of every sale supports Room to Read!


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