Happy Birthday, The Ideal Countess!

It is hard for me to believe, but one year ago today, The Ideal Countess launched!

This time last year, I was a bundle of nerves wondering if anyone would read my story. Now, I know thousands of readers have bought my books! I have also learned more about what kind of stories I want to write (read more about that on my Goodreads blog) and which romances I enjoy (you’ll get a pretty clear picture if you check out my ultimate list of 5-star historical romances). Most importantly, I have learned to try to work past the nerves and just enjoy the process!

(Okay, I’m still working on that.)

To celebrate my one-year anniversary as a Published Author, I thought I’d share with you some of the highlights of the year:

I’ve got a lot planned for 2021, including the final installment of The Countess Chronicles, a new series, and a free short story exclusive to my email subscribers. Thank you for being part of my journey!