My Ultimate List of 5-Star Historical Romance Novel Recommendations

(This post is updated every time I read a historical romance that I consider 5-stars! Jump straight to the recommendations by clicking here)

Dear fellow Historical Romance fan,

Every now and then, I read a historical romance that leaves me with a massive book hangover. You know the feeling: I just want to be with those characters for the rest of my life, and I absolutely don’t want to reemerge into the real world.

The only cure I know of is to find another fantastic historical romance. In case you suffer the same fate, I thought I’d share an ultimate, growing list of my 5-star reads (aka BEST ROMANCES EVER). Most of these will probably be Regency romances, but the list also includes historical romance subgenres like Victorian, Scottish, American, and more. 

By the way, these are MY all-time favorite 5-star reads. I’ll also tell you the average Goodreads rating, but I warn you up front that my opinion often differs from the herd. Also, I’m linking to where you can buy the paperbacks with my 10% discount, but you can also purchase them from your preferred retailer, of course! Finally, apologies for the repeating authors. I think it is clear who my favorites are!

I hope you enjoy these book recommendations.

Wishing you lots of love (stories),


My Ultimate List of 5-Star Historical Romance Novel Recommendations

(in no particular order)

Five-Star Regency England Romance Novels

a lady awakened five star historical romance

A Lady Awakened by Cecilia Grant

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.71

Why I Loved It: Martha is the ultimate starchy heroine. She lives by black-and-white rules, and she believes them, too. I loved how she remained an archetypal “frigid widow” - complete with lectures on the benefits of education - yet also learned how to be more fluid in the world. On top of that, the ever-changing power dynamics in the steamy scenes makes this a masterclass in sexy romances for me!

The Synopsis:

Newly widowed and desperate to protect her estate and beloved servants from her malevolent brother-in-law, Martha Russell conceives a daring plan. Or rather, a daring plan to conceive. After all, if she has an heir on the way, her future will be secured. Forsaking all she knows of propriety, Martha approaches her neighbor, a London exile with a wicked reputation, and offers a strictly business proposition: a month of illicit interludes . . . for a fee.

Theophilus Mirkwood ought to be insulted. Should be appalled. But how can he resist this siren in widow’s weeds, whose offer is simply too outrageously tempting to decline? Determined she’ll get her money’s worth, Theo endeavors to awaken this shamefully neglected beauty to the pleasures of the flesh—only to find her dead set against taking any enjoyment in the scandalous bargain. Surely she can’t resist him forever. But could a lady’s sweet surrender open their hearts to the most unexpected arrival of all . . . love?

Sweet Disorder by Rose Lerner

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.75

Why I Loved It: The chemistry between Phoebe and Nick is unmistakable, the historical details are delicious, and the main conflict ends up being moral, rather than situational, which is my favorite kind!

The Synopsis:

Prickly newspaperman’s widow Phoebe Sparks has vowed never to marry again. Unfortunately, the election in Lively St. Lemeston is hotly contested, and the little town’s charter gives Phoebe the right to make her husband a voter—if she had one.

The Honorable Nicholas Dymond has vowed never to get involved in his family's aristocratic politicking. But now his army career is over for good, his leg and his self-confidence both shattered in the war. Helping his little brother win an election could be just what the doctor ordered.

So Nick decamps to the country, under strict orders to marry Phoebe off to somebody before the polls open. He’s intrigued by the lovely widow from the moment she shuts the door in his face.

Phoebe is determined not to be persuaded by the handsome earl’s son, no matter how charming he is. But when disaster strikes her young sister, she is forced to consider selling her vote—and her hand—to the highest bidder.

As election intrigue grows, Phoebe and Nick are brought face to face with their own deepest desires and forced to decide which vows are worth keeping, and which must be broken...

Contains elections, confections, and a number of erections.

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A Delicate Deception by Cat Sebastian

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.84

Why I Loved It: The opening chapters alone sold me on Sebastian’s writing, as she used rich details to reveal the characters. Add a progressive, low-angst romance in the mix that examines power structures while having fun, and I’m sold!

The Synopsis:

When Amelia Allenby escaped a stifling London ballroom for the quiet solitude of the Derbyshire countryside, the very last thing she wanted was an extremely large, if—she grudgingly admits—passably attractive man disturbing her daily walks. Lecturing the surveyor about property rights doesn’t work and, somehow, he has soon charmed his way into lemon cakes, long walks, and dangerously heady kisses.

The very last place Sydney wished to be was in the shadow of the ruins of Pelham Hall, the inherited property that stole everything from him. But as he awaits his old friend, the Duke of Hereford, he finds himself increasingly captivated by the maddeningly lovely and exceptionally odd Amelia. He quickly finds that keeping his ownership of Pelham Hall a secret is as impossible as keeping himself from falling in love with her.

But when the Duke of Hereford arrives, Sydney’s ruse is revealed and what started out as a delicate deception has become a love too powerful to ignore. Will they let a lifetime of hurt come between them or can these two lost souls find love and peace in each other?

Accidentally Compromising a Duke by Stacy Reid

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.04

Why I Loved It: This is an excellent execution on the marriage of convenience trope. Neither of them particularly want the marriage, but they are intrigued by each other, and soon that turns into a burning, passionate love.

The Synopsis:

England, 1817. Miss Adeline Hays is out of options. Determined to escape marriage to a repugnant earl, Adeline plans to deliberately allow herself to be caught in a compromising position at a house party with the much kinder man she’d hoped to marry. Instead, Adeline accidentally enters the wrong chamber and tumbles into the bed of the mad duke.

Edmond Rochester, the duke of Wolverton, is seeking a wife to care for his two daughters. A young lady of sensibilities, accomplishment, and most importantly, one who he is not attracted to—a complete opposite of the bewitching beauty who traps him into marriage. But despite the lust he feels for his new duchess, Edmond is resolved to never allow them intimacy, refusing to ever again suffer the tormenting loss of a loved one.

Three Nights with a Scoundrel by Tessa Dare

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.86

Why I Loved It: The heroine and hero felt like fresh characters who already had a strong bond at the start of the novel. It is a little angsty, in a good way. I just loved reading their story!

The Synopsis:

The bastard son of a nobleman, Julian Bellamy is now polished to perfection, enthralling the ton with wit and charm while clandestinely plotting to ruin the lords, ravish the ladies, and have the last laugh on a society that once spurned him. But after meeting Leo Chatwick, a decent man and founder of an elite gentlemen’s club, and Lily, Leo’s enchanting sister, Julian reconsiders his wild ways. And when Leo’s tragic murder demands that Julian hunt for justice, he vows to see the woman he secretly loves married to a man of her own class.

Lily, however, has a very different husband in mind.  She’s loved Julian forever, adores the man beneath the rakish façade, and wants to savor the delicious attraction they share—as his wife. His insistence on marrying her off only reinforces her intent to prove that he is the only man for her. Obsessed with catching a killer, Julian sinks back to the gutters of his youth, forcing Lily to reach out with a sweet, reckless passion Julian can’t resist. Can her desire for a scoundrel save them both—or will dangerous secrets threaten more than their tender love?

Slightly Dangerous by Mary Balogh

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.21

Why I Loved It: I read this years ago, so the details are a little fuzzy, but I do remember the seductive pull of a fantastic book. Also, Wulfric loves to look through his monocle at people, and it was fun to root for a character like that and see him soften up.

The Synopsis:

All of London is abuzz over the imminent arrival of Wulfric Bedwyn, the reclusive, cold-as-ice Duke of Bewcastle, at the most glittering social event of the season. Some whisper of a tragic love affair. Others say he is so aloof and passionless that not even the greatest beauty could capture his attention. But on this dazzling afternoon, one woman did catch the duke’s eye—and she was the only female in the room who wasn’t even trying. Christine Derrick is intrigued by the handsome duke…all the more so when he invites her to become his mistress.

What red-blooded woman wouldn’t enjoy a tumble in the bedsheets with a consummate lover—with no strings and no questions asked. An infuriating lady with very definite views on men, morals, and marriage, Christine confounds Wulfric at every turn. Yet even as the lone wolf of the Bedwyn clan vows to seduce her any way he can, something strange and wonderful is happening. Now for a man who thought he’d never lose his heart, nothing less than love will do.

With her trademark wit, riveting storytelling, and sizzling sexual sparks, Mary Balogh once again brings together two polar opposites: an irresistible, high-and-mighty aristocrat and the impulsive, pleasure-loving woman who shows him what true passion is all about. A man and a woman so wrong for each other, it can result only in the perfect match.

Slightly Married by Mary Balogh

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.94

Why I Loved It: Look, I go ga-ga for marriage of convenience stories. This one is awesome because the hero is so focused on doing the Right Thing, and the heroine is so independent. 

The Synopsis:

Meet the Bedwyn: six brothers and sisters—men and women of passion and privilege, daring and sensuality…Enter their dazzling world of high society and breathtaking seduction, where each will seek love, fight temptation, and court scandal and where Aidan Bedwyn, the marriage-shy second son, discovers that matrimony may be the most seductive act of all.

Like all the Bedwyn men, Aidan has a reputation for cool arrogance. But this proud nobleman also possesses a loyal, passionate heart—and it is this fierce loyalty that has brought Colonel Lord Aidan to Ringwood Manor to honor a dying soldier's request. Having promised to comfort and protect the man's sister, Aidan never expected to find a headstrong, fiercely independent woman who wants no part of his protection... nor did he expect the feelings this beguiling creature would ignite in his guarded heart. And when a relative threatens to turn Eve out of her home, Aidan gallantly makes her an offer she can't refuse: marry him... if only to save her home. And now, as all of London breathlessly awaits the transformation of the new Lady Aidan Bedwyn, the strangest thing happens: With one touch, one searing embrace, Aidan and Eve's “business arrangement” is about to be transformed into something slightly surprising.

The Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.97

Why I Loved It: Gabriel starts off very selfish - or perhaps I should say he is focused on his own goals. We see how much he has fallen in love with Penelope in how he helps her accomplish her goals, including a goat-giving-birth scene. It is funny and heartwarming all at the same time.

The Synopsis:

They call him the Duke of Ruin.

To an undaunted wallflower, he's just the beast next door.

Wealthy and ruthless, Gabriel Duke clawed his way from the lowliest slums to the pinnacle of high society—and now he wants to get even.

Loyal and passionate, Lady Penelope Campion never met a lost or wounded creature she wouldn’t take into her home and her heart.

When her imposing—and attractive—new neighbor demands she clear out the rescued animals, Penny sets him a challenge. She will part with her precious charges, if he can find them loving homes.

Done, Gabriel says. How hard can it be to find homes for a few kittens?

And a two-legged dog.

And a foul-mouthed parrot.

And a goat, an otter, a hedgehog . . .

Easier said than done, for a cold-blooded bastard who wouldn’t know a loving home from a workhouse. Soon he’s covered in cat hair, knee-deep in adorable, and bewitched by a shyly pretty spinster who defies his every attempt to resist. Now she’s set her mind and heart on saving him.

Not if he ruins her first.

The Beast of Beswick by Amalie Howard

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.94

Why I Loved It: Who doesn’t enjoy a Beauty and the Beast retelling? My heart strings were really tugged for both Harte and Astrid, who both have to face some big challenges to march forward. 

The Synopsis:

Lord Nathaniel Harte, the disagreeable Duke of Beswick, spends his days smashing porcelain, antagonizing his servants, and snarling at anyone who gets too close. With a ruined face like his, it's hard to like much about the world. Especially smart-mouthed harpies—with lips better suited to kissing than speaking—who brave his castle with indecent proposals.

But Lady Astrid Everleigh will stop at nothing to see her younger sister safe from a notorious scoundrel, even if it means offering herself up on a silver platter to the forbidding Beast of Beswick himself. And by offer, she means what no highborn lady of sound and sensible mind would ever dream of—a tender of marriage with her as his bride.

Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.97

Why I Loved It: I was hooked from the prologue, where we see Sebastian writing in the middle of the night. He is one of those foppish heroes who is so determined to be witty rather than have people really look at him. He stole the show for me!

The Synopsis:

Ten Things You Should Know About This Book

1. Sebastian Grey is a devilishly handsome rogue with a secret.

2. Annabel Winslow's family voted her The Winslow Most Likely to Speak Her Mind and The Winslow Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Church.

3. Sebastian's uncle is the Earl of Newbury, and if he dies without siring an heir, Sebastian inherits everything.

4. Lord Newbury detests Sebastian and will stop at nothing to prevent this from happening.

5. Lord Newbury has decided that Annabel is the answer to all of his problems.

6. Annabel does not want to marry Lord Newbury, especially when she finds out he once romanced her grandmother.

7 is shocking, 8 is delicious, and 9 is downright wicked, all of which lead the way to

10. Happily. Ever. After.

GENTLEMAN JIM by Mimi Matthews

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.27

Why I Loved It: This is a story of a love so true that it persists through a decade of separation, a lifetime of class differences, and an assumed identity. Oh, and there is a strong heroine, a sensitive alpha-hero, and a whole lot of adventure. The only caveat I offer is that this is closed-door romance, so you don’t get anything more physical than some kisses.

The Synopsis:

She couldn’t forget…

Wealthy squire’s daughter Margaret Honeywell was always meant to marry her neighbor, Frederick Burton-Smythe, but it’s bastard-born Nicholas Seaton who has her heart. Raised alongside her on her father’s estate, Nicholas is the rumored son of notorious highwayman Gentleman Jim. When Fred frames him for theft, Nicholas escapes into the night, vowing to find his legendary sire. But Nicholas never returns. A decade later, he’s long been presumed dead.

He wouldn’t forgive…

After years spent on the continent, John Beresford, Viscount St. Clare has finally come home to England. Tall, blond, and dangerous, he’s on a mission to restore his family’s honor. If he can mete out a bit of revenge along the way, so much the better. But he hasn’t reckoned for Maggie Honeywell. She’s bold and beautiful—and entirely convinced he’s someone else.

As danger closes in, St. Clare is torn between love and vengeance. Will he sacrifice one to gain the other? Or with a little luck—and a lot of daring—will he find a way to have them both?

avoid the death scroll

With so many great books out there, it can be hard to choose. I created a special quiz to help you pick your next read!

Five-Star Victorian England Romance Novels

belle of belgrave square historical romance cover

The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.29

Why I Loved It: Julia Wychwood is an endearing wallflower heroine. While other people define her as shy and anxious, when we are in her head, we find a very interesting and empathetic person. Meanwhile, Captain Blunt is a classic “damaged hero” - scarred from war, emotionally unavailable, full of secrets. Yet he is fiercely kind to and protective of Julia. That plus a bunch of conversations about what makes a good romance novel - what is not to love?

The Synopsis:

Tall, dark, and dour, the notorious Captain Jasper Blunt was once hailed a military hero, but tales abound of his bastard children and his haunted estate in Yorkshire. What he requires now is a rich wife to ornament his isolated ruin, and he has his sights set on the enchanting Julia Wychwood.

For Julia, an incurable romantic cursed with a crippling social anxiety, navigating a London ballroom is absolute torture. The only time Julia feels any degree of confidence is when she’s on her horse. Unfortunately, a young lady can’t spend the whole of her life in the saddle, so Julia makes an impetuous decision to take her future by the reins—she proposes to Captain Blunt.

In exchange for her dowry and her hand, Jasper must promise to grant her freedom to do as she pleases. To ride—and to read—as much as she likes without masculine interference. He readily agrees to her conditions, with one provision of his own: Julia is forbidden from going into the tower rooms of his estate and snooping around his affairs. But the more she learns of the beastly former hero, the more intrigued she becomes…

A Proper Scoundrel by Esther Hatch cover

A Proper Scoundrel by Esther Hatch

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.41

Why I Loved It: Diana is a fantastic career woman who knows exactly what she wants and what is standing her way. Meanwhile, Lord Bryant is the wonderful kind of rake who isn’t a rake at all and happy to use his reputation to protect others. (Warning: this is a closed door romance!)

The Synopsis:

As the successful owner of multiple railroad lines, Diana Barton is all too accustomed to fending off suitors seeking to stake their claim on her wealth. In order to keep the wolves at bay, Diana has contrived the perfect plan: appeal to the most notorious rake in London, the Baron Lord Bryant, to ruin her reputation and scare off the worst of the time wasters. The ruse will be no hardship—she’s secretly been fascinated by the man for years.

Lord Bryant is well aware of his questionable reputation. Indeed, he has cultivated the image carefully, and the last thing he wants is a wife. But when he’s approached by the younger sister of a business associate, he tells her in no uncertain terms that he cannot help. However, when he sees for himself what she is up against, Bryant grudgingly offers his assistance. Faced with his most complicated entanglement yet, Bryant is firm in his conditions—and Diana knows that to get romantically involved with Bryant would spell certain heartbreak. But as the counterfeit couple grow ever closer, the line between truth and lies becomes blurred, threatening both Lord Bryant’s well-laid plans and the future of Diana’s railroad business.

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A wicked kind of husband by mia vincy

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.19

Why I Loved It: Cassandra won me over in the first chapter as a nuanced, complex heroine who is just trying to do her best. Then there is an unforgettable scene in Hyde Park where she and her husband have a conversation without realizing they are married to each other. From there, I couldn’t put it down.

The Synopsis:

Cassandra DeWitt has seen her husband only once--on their wedding day two years earlier--and this arrangement suits her perfectly. She has no interest in the rude, badly behaved man she married only to secure her inheritance. She certainly has no interest in his ban on her going to London. Why, he'll never even know she is there.

Until he shows up in London too, and Cassandra finds herself sharing a house with the most infuriating man in England.

Joshua DeWitt has his life exactly how he wants it. He has no need of a wife disrupting everything, especially a wife intent on reforming his behavior. He certainly has no need of a wife who is intolerably amiable, insufferably reasonable ... and irresistibly kissable.

As the unlikely couple team up to battle a malicious lawsuit and launch Cassandra's wayward sister, passion flares between them. Soon the day must come for them to part ... but what if one of them wants their marriage to become real?

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Unraveled by Courtney Milan

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.05

Why I Loved It: Smite is a dark, brooding hero who hasn’t done anything wrong in his life - my favorite kind. I loved how we saw the hero and heroine take care of each other and make room for each other to grow - exactly what romance is all about!

The Synopsis:

Smite Turner is renowned for his single-minded devotion to his duty as a magistrate. But behind his relentless focus lies not only a determination to do what is right, but the haunting secrets of his past—secrets that he is determined to hide, even if it means keeping everyone else at arm's length. Until the day an irresistible woman shows up as a witness in his courtroom.

Miranda Darling isn't in trouble—yet. But she's close enough that when Turner threatens her with imprisonment if she puts one foot wrong, she knows she should run in the other direction. And yet no matter how forbidding the man seems on the outside, she can't bring herself to leave. Instead, when he tries to push her away, she pushes right back—straight through his famous self-control, and into the heart of the passion that he has long hidden away.

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The Duke Who Didn’t by Courtney Milan

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.35

Why I Loved It: I relate to Chloe SO much. She is very determined, to the point where she predicts she’ll be busy for the next decade so she would like to experience a kiss now, please. Jeremy is a fun hero who has more layers than I expected. Plus, I got really hungry reading because there were so many delicious descriptions of food!

The Synopsis:

Miss Chloe Fong has plans for her life, lists for her days, and absolutely no time for nonsense. Three years ago, she told her childhood sweetheart that he could talk to her once he planned to be serious. He disappeared that very night.

Except now he’s back. Jeremy Wentworth, the Duke of Lansing, has returned to the tiny village he once visited with the hope of wooing Chloe. In his defense, it took him years of attempting to be serious to realize that the endeavor was incompatible with his personality.

All he has to do is convince Chloe to make room for a mischievous trickster in her life, then disclose that in all the years they’ve known each other, he’s failed to mention his real name, his title… and the minor fact that he owns her entire village.

Only one thing can go wrong: Everything.

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The Duchess War by Courtney Milan

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.83

Why I Loved It: A super smart heroine not interested in class pretensions? A hero who is dedicated to social progress? A battle of the wits to fall in love? I’m not sure there was anything about this book I didn’t like.

The Synopsis:

Miss Minerva Lane is a quiet, bespectacled wallflower, and she wants to keep it that way. After all, the last time she was the center of attention, it ended badly—so badly that she changed her name to escape her scandalous past. Wallflowers may not be the prettiest of blooms, but at least they don't get trampled. So when a handsome duke comes to town, the last thing she wants is his attention.

But that is precisely what she gets.

Because Robert Blaisdell, the Duke of Clermont, is not fooled. When Minnie figures out what he’s up to, he realizes there is more to her than her spectacles and her quiet ways. And he’s determined to lay her every secret bare before she can discover his. But this time, one shy miss may prove to be more than his match...

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The Heiress Effect by Courtney Milan

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.91

Why I Loved It: I believe this was my first Courtney Milan. I immediately connected with the heroine, who is convinced she doesn’t want to fit in, since it is very clear that she doesn’t. The hero is the only one in Cambridge who seems interested in getting to know her, which obviously makes him an actual hero in my accounting!

The Synopsis:

Miss Jane Fairfield can’t do anything right. When she’s in company, she always says the wrong thing—and rather too much of it. No matter how costly they are, her gowns fall on the unfortunate side of fashion. Even her immense dowry can’t save her from being an object of derision.

And that’s precisely what she wants. She’ll do anything, even risk humiliation, if it means she can stay unmarried and keep her sister safe.

Mr. Oliver Marshall has to do everything right. He’s the bastard son of a duke, raised in humble circumstances—and he intends to give voice and power to the common people. If he makes one false step, he’ll never get the chance to accomplish anything. He doesn’t need to come to the rescue of the wrong woman. He certainly doesn’t need to fall in love with her. But there’s something about the lovely, courageous Jane that he can’t resist... even though it could mean the ruin of them both.

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The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.93

Why I Loved It: I really enjoyed how this novel explored how Victorian England reacted to evolutionary science, while never forgetting that it is a romance. Both the hero and the heroine are not presenting their true selves to the world, and while this one wasn’t quite as fun as the others in the series, I think it was more moving. 

The Synopsis:

Sebastian Malheur is the most dangerous sort of rake: an educated one. When he’s not scandalizing ladies in the bedchamber, he’s outraging proper society with his scientific theories. He’s desired, reviled, acclaimed, and despised—and he laughs through it all.

Violet Waterfield, the widowed Countess of Cambury, on the other hand, is entirely respectable, and she’d like to stay that way. But Violet has a secret that is beyond ruinous, one that ties her irrevocably to England’s most infamous scoundrel: Sebastian’s theories aren’t his. They’re hers.

So when Sebastian threatens to dissolve their years-long conspiracy, she’ll do anything to save their partnership... even if it means opening her vulnerable heart to the rake who could destroy it for good.

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The Suffragette Scandal by Courtney Milan

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.06

Why I Loved It: Huzzah, suffragette! There is so much unapologetic feminism, plus a look at what that meant in the period. I have to say, I was really there for the hero, who was dark and tortured and very interested in creating havoc on behalf of Free.

The Synopsis:

An idealistic suffragette...

Miss Frederica "Free" Marshall has put her heart and soul into her newspaper, known for its outspoken support of women's rights. Naturally, her enemies are intent on destroying her business and silencing her for good. Free refuses to be at the end of her rope... but she needs more rope, and she needs it now.

...a jaded scoundrel...

Edward Clark's aristocratic family abandoned him to die in a war-torn land, so he survived the only way he could: by becoming a rogue and a first-class forger. When the same family that left him for dead vows to ruin Miss Marshall, he offers his help. So what if he has to lie to her? She's only a pawn to use in his revenge.

...and a scandal seven years in the making.

But the irrepressible Miss Marshall soon enchants Edward. By the time he realizes that his cynical heart is hers, it's too late. The only way to thwart her enemies is to reveal his scandalous past... and once the woman he loves realizes how much he's lied to her, he'll lose her forever.

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Once Upon a Marquess by Courtney Milan

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.75

Why I Loved It: I love a good second-chance romance. A lot of readers are leery because these are disappointing when the couple originally broke up over a simple misunderstanding. That is not the case here. Christian literally betrayed Judith’s family. He still loves Judith, though. What really sealed the deal for me, however, was how they have an ongoing inside joke having conversation as swans...that kind of silliness is so typical of real couples yet very hard to put on the page. 

The Synopsis:

The last man Judith Worth wants to see again is Christian Trent, the Marquess of Ashford—the man who spent summers at her family home, who kissed her one magical night…and then heartlessly ruined her father. But when a tricky business matter arises, he’s the only one she can ask for help. With any luck, he’ll engage a servant to take care of the matter, and she won’t even have to talk with him.

But Ashford has never forgotten Judith. He knows she will never forgive him for what he’s done, but when offered the chance to assist her, he arrives in person. His memory of Judith may have haunted him, but it pales in comparison to the reality of the vivacious, beautiful woman he rediscovers. Throughout his life, he has always done what is correct. But now, he finds himself doing something utterly wrong…falling in love with the one woman he can never have.

His at Night by Sherry Thomas

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.82

Why I Loved It: This is a classic trope: each protagonist thinks they are setting a trap on the other, but in fact, they both want the same outcome. Add a little bit of feminism and you’ve got me hooked!

The Synopsis:

Elissande Edgerton is a desperate woman, a virtual prisoner in the home of her tyrannical uncle. Only through marriage can she claim the freedom she craves. But how to catch the perfect man?

Lord Vere is used to baiting irresistible traps. As a secret agent for the government, he’s tracked down some of the most devious criminals in London, all the while maintaining his cover as one of Society’s most harmless—and idiotic—bachelors. But nothing can prepare him for the scandal of being ensnared by Elissande.

Forced into a marriage of convenience, Elissande and Vere are each about to discover that they’re not the only one with a hidden agenda. With seduction their only weapon—and a dark secret from the past endangering both their lives—can they learn to trust each other even as they surrender to a passion that won’t be denied?

Ravishing the Heiress by Sherry Thomas

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.91

Why I Loved It: Again, I love marriage of convenience stories, and also unrequited love (with happily ever afters). While this book may be too angsty for some readers, it tugged my heartstrings in just the right places, especially as we saw Millie grow into a strong woman who would be fine on her own.

The Synopsis:

Millicent understands the terms of her arranged marriage all too well. She gets to be a Countess by marrying an impoverished Earl. And in return, the Earl Fitzhugh receives the benefit of her vast wealth, saving his family from bankruptcy. Because of her youth, they have agreed to wait eight years before consummating the marriage--and then, only to beget an heir. After which, they will lead separate lives.

It is a most sensible arrangement. Except for one little thing. Somehow Millie has fallen head over heels in love with her husband. Her husband, who has become her very best friend, but nothing more...Her husband, who plans to reunite with his childhood sweetheart, the beautiful and newly widowed Isabelle, as soon as he has honored the pact with his wife...

As the hour they truly become husband-and-wife draws near, both Millie and Fitzhugh must face the truth in their hearts. Has their pact bred only a great friendship-or has it, without either of them quite noticing, given rise to a great love?


While you’re loading up your ereader, grab my free short story, The Spinster! Josiah Beauford doesn’t want any trouble, and he has promised he won’t look twice at Millie Deere. But what is a guy to do when there is a damsel in distress?

Five-Star Victorian India Romance Novels

Not Quite a Husband by Sherry Thomas

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.85

Why I Loved It: This is another second chance romance, and it includes the hero literally traveling across the world to try to prove his feelings. Why I really love it, though, is we get to see a strong, fierce, independent woman who has some self-doubt, and we also see the ways people love and admire her, specifically through her ex-husband. 

The Synopsis:

Their marriage lasted only slightly longer than the honeymoon—to no one’s surprise, not even Bryony Asquith’s. A man as talented, handsome, and sought after by society as Leo Marsden couldn't possibly want to spend his entire life with a woman who rebelled against propriety by becoming a doctor. Why, then, three years after their annulment and half a world away, does he track her down at her clinic in the remotest corner of India?

Leo has no reason to think Bryony could ever forgive him for the way he treated her, but he won’t rest until he’s delivered an urgent message from her sister—and fulfilled his duty by escorting her safely back to England. But as they risk their lives for each other on the journey home, will the biggest danger be the treacherous war around them—or their rekindling passion?

Five-Star Victorian Wales Romance Novels

Longing by Mary Balogh

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.86

Why I Loved It: It’s not often I read a novel set in Wales, and I would argue this is a story of loving your homeland as much as it is of romance between man and woman. It was stunning - I had to stop reading for a few days just to enjoy my book hangover!

The Synopsis:

Sian Jones had been to Britain's finest schools, but manners and French lessons did not erase the stigma of being a lord's illegitimate daughter. Perhaps she would have been content among Welsh ironworkers, her mother's people, had not Alexander, Marquess of Craille, arrived to run the mine he inherited.

When the widowed Alexander came to live with his small daughter in turreted Glanrhyd Castle, the Welsh poverty shocked him. But a greater jolt came from meeting Sian and the kiss he took before she could draw away. He asked her to be his daughter's governess. But neither pretended that was all he wanted. Even if Sian fought the desire between them, she could not stop the love that was drawing them together... or the passions that ignited beyond denial....

Five-Star American Civil War Romance Novels

A Hope Divided by Alyssa Cole

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.08

Why I Loved It: Sometimes, I avoid stories about the Civil War because I know they will be too dark or heavy. This one managed to be inspiring and heartwarming while investigating the nuances of the characters.

The Synopsis:

The Civil War has turned neighbor against neighbor--but for one scientist spy and her philosopher soldier, war could bind them together . . .

For three years of the War Between the States, Marlie Lynch has helped the cause in peace: with coded letters about anti-Rebel uprisings in her Carolina woods, tisanes and poultices for Union prisoners, and silent aid to fleeing slave and Freeman alike. Her formerly enslaved mother's traditions and the name of a white father she never knew have protected her--until the vicious Confederate Home Guard claims Marlie's home for their new base of operations in the guerilla war against Southern resistors of the Rebel cause.

Unbeknownst to those under her roof, escaped prisoner Ewan McCall is sheltering in her laboratory. Seemingly a quiet philosopher, Ewan has his own history with the cruel captain of the Home Guard, and a thoughtful but unbending strength Marlie finds irresistible.

When the revelation of a stunning family secret places Marlie's freedom on the line, she and Ewan have to run for their lives into the hostile Carolina night. Following the path of the Underground Railroad, they find themselves caught up in a vicious battle that could dash their hopes of love--and freedom--before they ever cross state lines.

Five-Star Scotland Highlander Romance Novels

when a scot ties the knot cover.jpg

When a scot ties the knot by tessa dare

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.95

Why I Love It: As an introverted writer, I can’t help by sympathize with Maddie, who invents a Scottish soldier as her betrothed in order to avoid the Season. From there, the plot unfolds in typical Tessa Dare fashion - delightful, heartwarming, and steamy!

The Synopsis:

On the cusp of her first London season, Miss Madeline Gracechurch was shyly pretty and talented with a drawing pencil, but hopelessly awkward with gentlemen. She was certain to be a dismal failure on the London marriage mart. So Maddie did what generations of shy, awkward young ladies have done: she invented a sweetheart.

A Scottish sweetheart. One who was handsome and honorable and devoted to her, but conveniently never around. Maddie poured her heart into writing the imaginary Captain MacKenzie letter after letter … and by pretending to be devastated when he was (not really) killed in battle, she managed to avoid the pressures of London society entirely.

Until years later, when this kilted Highland lover of her imaginings shows up in the flesh. The real Captain Logan MacKenzie arrives on her doorstep—handsome as anything, but not entirely honorable. He’s wounded, jaded, in possession of her letters… and ready to make good on every promise Maddie never expected to keep.

When a Laird Finds a Lass by Lecia Cornwall

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.05

Why I Love It: First of all, I love a good fairy tale retelling, and this take on the Little Mermaid is fantastic! I love the dynamic of Malcolm as the outsider and the Romeo and Juliet dynamic of forbidden love.

The Synopsis:

Malcolm MacDonald, a lawyer in Edinburgh, unexpectedly inherits his father’s title of Laird of Dunbronach, forcing him to return to a place he hasn’t seen since he was a small child. To gain the trust of a wary clan, Malcolm must act upon their insistence that he cast aside his English betrothed and marry a Highlander.

However, they have one condition—no lasses of the barbaric clan MacLeod.

When he finds an unconscious woman in the sea, he brings her back to his clan but not before doing the one thing that could save her life—hiding her all too telling MacLeod plaid. When she wakes with no memory of who she is, Malcolm vows to keep the little he knows about her identity a secret. As new dangers threaten his clan, the mysterious lass teaches Malcolm some very important lessons about how to be a Highlander and a laird.

But secrets never stay secret for long, and when she finds her plaid, her memory returns and she flees. Malcolm is forced to make a difficult choice to win her back, facing his darkest fears and his worst enemy for a chance at true love.

The Lady and the Highlander by Lecia Cornwall

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.90

Why I Love It: Forbidden love! Dark, brooding hero! Scrappy heroine! What’s not to love?

The Synopsis:

Laire MacLeod’s father has married a mysterious widow who is a vain beauty that deals with potions and spells. Laire does not drink them with the rest of her family and is the only one who could see through her stepmother’s games. When Laire flees to find help from her Uncle, the Lady’s huntsman follows her with orders to kill. Laire must survive in a dangerous new city and find the antidote to a poisonous potion before it is too late.

Iain Lindsay is cursed. He is bound for seven years to be the hunter of a Lady who uses him to bring back birds to use in her potions. When Laire MacLeod escapes the Lady’s nets, Iain tracks her to Edinburgh, where she’s found shelter with an unusual band of thieves, but he cannot bring himself to harm her. Instead, he finds himself falling in love with the MacLeod beauty.

But a Highlander’s oath is his bond, and the price for helping her is death, both his own, and of those he loves.

Enchanted by the Highlander by Lecia Cornwall

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.09

Why I Love It: This twist on Cinderella is fun and full of unrequited love that turns into forbidden love. 

The Synopsis:

Gillian MacLeod is shy and quiet, the least likely of all her sisters to seek out excitement and adventure. But on a moonlit night at a masquerade ball, Gillian steals a kiss from a mysterious stranger, knowing she’ll never see him again.

John Erly, disowned by his noble English father, started a new life in Scotland. Most people are suspicious of the foreign mercenary and he does everything in his power to avoid romantic entanglements. But he can’t forget the bewitching beauty who kissed him in the dark, and stole his heart, even though he has no idea who she might be.

A year later, John is given the duty of escorting Gillian to her wedding and immediately recognizes her as the temptress he’s dreamed of for months. There’s not much he can do when she's promised to another man, but fate intervenes and this time, passion—and adventure—can’t be denied. Honor demands he stay away from the MacLeod’s enchanting daughter, but love has a very different ending in mind...

Bonus: My Books!

This may not be humble, but I do happen to believe my books are five stars - otherwise I wouldn’t publish them! Here are a few highlights:

The Ideal Countess

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.45

National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist and Next Gen Indie Book Awards Finalist!

Midnight kisses. Fast gavottes. Secret duels. In this National Indie Excellence Award Finalist, Alice Winpole just wants a successful Season, but she gets so much more. 

Alice never dreamed her Season would go this well. She has beautiful dresses, new friends, and the eye of the most dashing bachelor in London, the Duke of Cornwall. But her friend, Hugh Osborne, the Earl of Windemere, is concerned the duke’s attentions towards Alice aren’t completely honorable. 

While she dreams of marrying the impossible duke, Hugh scrambles to find a way to protect her - and win her heart - before Alice’s reputation is dashed to pieces.

This friends-to-lovers Regency Romance is perfect for fans of London ballrooms, scrumptious tea, and delicious dramas of the heart.

The Husband Plot

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.70

Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Honorable Mention, Next Gen Indie Book Awards Finalist, and Romance Slam Jam Emma Awards Finalist!

What could go wrong when you marry a perfect stranger?

Lisbeth Dawes would rather not end up a spinster. After her first fiance leaves her at the altar, she agrees to marry Adrian Hathorne sight-unseen. She doesn’t expect much from her new husband, since he plans to leave for Jamaica within the year, but she does hope for friendship and freedom to pursue her own interests.

Adrian Hathorne wants to be above reproach. He doesn’t indulge in any of the usual gentlemanly pursuits, nor does he chase after any women. When his father writes from Jamaica with instructions to marry as soon as possible, he does as asked. It is only after the wedding that he realizes he doesn’t really know how to be a husband - especially not to a bluestocking wife with so many of her own ideas.

Divorce is not an option - which means Lisbeth and Adrian need to find common ground before their marriage of convenience goes up in smoke. Just when they have discovered they don’t disagree with each other over everything, another letter arrives from Jamaica with news neither of them expected. News that will test every aspect of their fledgling marriage. 

The Viscount Without Virtue

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.45

A Shelf Unbound Top 100 Title of 2022!

Maximilian Hainsworth, Viscount Berwick, is on a mission: to write a scathing expose of England’s most famous country estate, Northfield Hall. While much of England praises Northfield Hall for its egalitarian economy and boycott of foreign imports, Max knows that the Preston family must have an alternative hidden income to explain Northfield's prosperity. Max is determined to uncover their secrets and humiliate the Prestons with an inflammatory report.

Disguised as a carpenter, he gets himself hired so he can learn Northfield Hall’s secret ins and outs. A few things quickly go wrong with his plan:

  1. He doesn’t bring his own tools

  2. No one is willing to speak ill of the Prestons

  3. He keeps accidentally flirting with Miss Ellen Preston

Ellen can see plain as day that the new carpenter’s assistant lied about his experience with woodwork. She is willing to overlook this, especially since he is handsome and easy to talk to. However, when she overhears him asking strange questions, she does some investigating - and discovers he is one of her father’s biggest political enemies. Taking the matter into her own hands, Ellen vows to delay Max’s report any way she can.

Even if that means kissing him again.

Working against each other, Max and Ellen begin asking difficult questions about Northfield Hall. What they discover forces each of them to rethink their own assumptions and answer for themselves: are their principles more important than love?