Choose a Bookstore: Kew and Willow

Since The Ideal Countess is available via most bookstore catalogs, I’ve been getting a lot of reader questions about why they should choose one bookstore over another. So I thought I’d take some time here in the blog to discuss the different bookstores and why you might want to buy from them.

Note: I’m deliberately skipping Amazon, because that’s the giant in the space. If you don’t know about Amazon, good for you! If you already get all your books from Amazon, maybe this series will convince you to share the wealth with some of the more creative bookstores out there!

The Bookstore: 

Kew and Willow

Bookstore Location: 

81-63 Lefferts Boulevard 

Kew Gardens, NY


This is my local bookstore, nestled in the little neighborhood in Queens where my husband lived when we first started dating. For me, there is no New York street more romantic than Lefferts Boulevard.

That said, Kew and Willow has an awesome online catalog, so even if you aren’t in New York, you can shop their shelves.

Why I Recommend This Bookstore:

Kew and Willow is my independent bookstore of choice for several reasons besides my personal connection.

  1. Their Origin Story is Awesome

Kew and Willow was founded by three friends who used to work at Barnes and Noble together and decided to start their own store. They used Kickstarter to get the Queens community behind their shop (I was a backer!) and now co-own and operate the bookstore together. Here’s the full write-up in the Huffington Post.

2. They Get Creative in Bookselling

They are always coming up with creative ways to sell books. Their online catalog is modern and easy to use. They just announced a partnership with so you can buy audiobooks from Kew and Willow (instead of Amazon’s Audible). In-store, they have all sorts of interactive stations, like a spinning wheel to win a prize and book blind dates. 

Given how everyone is always ringing the death knell on bookstores, it is refreshing to walk into Kew and Willow and see all the new ideas the team comes up with.

3. They Focus on Community Building

Among their creativity, Kew and Willow focuses on community-building events. Although I can’t make them all, I am almost always drooling over the event descriptions. For example, in the next month alone they have:

  • Monthly Book Club

  • Creative Writing Workshop

  • Harry Potter Book Club 

  • Monthly Game Night

  • Author Reading

Who wouldn’t want to hang out there?

4. Their Instagram is Spot-On

If nothing else, check out @KewandWillow on Instagram. They’re always posting cute shots from the store, new book covers, and other #bookstagram highlights. I look forward to their posts!

Drawbacks to This Bookstore

The only real drawback is that (as of now), you can’t buy ebooks from their store, so if you prefer the ereader experience, you’ll have to go elsewhere. 

What Are You Waiting For?

Buy The Ideal Countess from Kew and Willow now!

Coming Soon: Bookstore Spotlight on Kobo