Romance Novels I Read This Month

This month was pretty busy for me. I launched The Ideal Countess, hosted a virtual tea party, and even got to do a book signing.

Luckily, I’ve got built-in reading time on my subway commute to my day job. 40 minutes each way equals nearly 1.5 hours a day to read! While I don’t always focus on romance novels, they were still the majority of my reads this month. 

Here are the romance novels I read (and loved) in January 2020:

Red, White, and Royal Blue

Casey McQuiston

I picked this up from Kew and Willow books on a whim. I started it Monday morning, thinking it would last me all week, but I loved it so much that I read it all that day (I may have stayed up past my bedtime).

Why I love it: 

The main characters are really heartfelt and real. The premise is FUN, yet I definitely cried towards the end. And it makes you think about how the world should be.

Crushing On You

Jen Trinh

A friend connected me with fellow romance writer Jen Trinh, since Jen’s debut also recently released. I devoured this one over the weekend.

Why I love it: 

First of all, Jen coined a new word that I really resonate with: slangry (as in, you’re angry because you’re sleepy).

More to the point, the two narrators have very specific voices and great chemistry. It’s a book you really enjoy being inside (that’s what she said). 

Dancing with Clara

Mary Balogh

Continuing my love of Mary Balogh, I picked up this novel from her backlist to read on my way back from vacation.

Why I Love It

The heroine, Clara, has a really interesting perspective: she is disabled but rich, so she has a very specific idea about the kind of love she deserves. Meanwhile, the hero, Freddie, is kind of a terrible person, but the way he interacts with Clara makes you really root for him. The two combined made it feel unlike other Regencies, while still keeping up with our favorite tropes. 

Non-Romance Novel: 

How Long ‘Til Black Future Month?

NK Jemison

This is another one I picked up from Kew and Willow. It is outside my usual realm of reading: speculative fiction (otherwise known as fancy scifi/fantasy) and short stories.

I’m taking it one story at a time, usually before bed. I enjoy stretching my reading muscles to think about telling stories in different approaches. So far, the stories have been thought provoking!

Shameless Plug: The Ideal Countess

Technically, I didn’t read it this month, but it launched this month: The Ideal Countess by me! If you haven’t read it yet, you can order it from the retailer of your choice, or subscribe to my newsletter to try out the first 3 chapters for free.