Social Distance Book Fest Giveaway Announcement

On Saturday, April 25, I’m going to be participating in the Social Distance Book Fest. I’ll be speaking at 10 am ET on a panel with fellow historical romance authors, tackling the subject of Rakes, Widows, and Spirited Women. Here are some more details on our panel, other sessions at the conference, and - most importantly - my giveaway!

About Our Panel

I’m excited to join a great group of authors to talk about why historical romance is so yummy.

Rakes, Widows, and Spirited Women: A Historical Romance Panel: From Regency to the Gilded Age, historical romance offers an escape with swoon-worthy heroes and determined heroines, sometimes with a side of social insight. Join 5 authors in conversation as they dive into this much-loved genre.

My fellow speakers will be:

Stay tuned for details on how to watch the panel!

Other Panels I’m Excited About

As soon as I heard about this book fest, I immediately wanted to know what everyone else is going to be talking about. Here are some of the panels I’m planning on listening in on:

  • From Sherlock Holmes to Veronica Mars: Variations in the Mystery/Thriller Genre: Join 5 authors with very different approaches to writing the mystery/thriller genre as they discuss the time period and age demographics that they choose to feature in their books. What is similar and different in writing these variations? 

  • Tackling Consent, Gender, and Toxic Masculinity in Romance: What does it mean to write about love and relationships in the #MeToo era? Hear from a panel of modern romance authors about how they tackle these key issues and why romance is such an important genre.

  • Diversifying Romance: As the romance genre enters a new era with readers who expect stories that reflect the diversity of the world around them, romancelandia is not without growing pains. Hear from a fabulous panel of authors writing stories that go beyond white, cis and heteronormative on why love is for everyone!

  • Identity Formation & Deconstruction in Adult Fiction: Some stories explore how we discover and form identity, while others deconstruct past events, people, and trauma that contributed to that formation. In this panel, hear from authors who explore the complexities of the human experience in different ways. 

  • Fierce Femmes: Standing Your Ground: Whether they are seeking justice, overthrowing the patriarchy, preventing war, or facing their own trauma, these authors write characters who are Fierce Femmes, displaying bravery and tenacity. Hear from a panel discussing what it means to be fierce and how that may present in very different ways.

There are lots of other sessions on fantasy, speculative fiction, and publishing, so be sure to check out the full panel descriptions here


Normally when you go to book conferences, there are author meet-and-greets, book signings, and other giveaways.

To capture some of that, we authors are encouraged to offer giveaways in conjunction with the festival. 

I’m excited to set up a raffle open through April 30, whether you can make it to the Social Distance Book Fest or not. 

Enter my raffle by subscribing to the Katherine Grant Newsletter to win:

Anyone on already on my email list as of April 10 is already entered twice, as a thank-you for being an early adopter.

See you at the Social Distance Book Fest!